Every day sees a little less chaos, a little more organization, slow and steady wins the race!
One week ago today we moved in to our new home. The rain poured down unrelentlessly as we hauled in box after box after box. "Welcome to Massachusetts!" the neighbors cheerfully said from the puddles accumulating in the driveway. Then they came...with Irish soda bread warm from the oven, brownies and then more brownies and shyly smiling children looking at these strangers that came from exotic (to them) Arizona where they imagine permanent sunshine and cowboy boots. Can we be friends, will we be friends? And suddenly it didn't really matter that it was cold and wet and miserable and our house was freezing and the roof was leaking and there was water spewing from the laundry room faucet, and laundry couldn't be done even though we had a weeks worth looming.
Our roots have been ripped from the desert sand and blown like tumbleweeds across the continent. Yet it was fitting to be welcomed by the rain. We are ready to be watered and nourished and to bloom where we are planted.
"Well, you will never run a marathon." Etty suffers from ongoing Sarcoidosis which is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily involves the lungs. Niamh, her sister, likes to run and is going to run the Cork City Marathon on June 6th to raise funds for those suffering from chronic lung diseases. This blog will be a parallel account of their trials and tribulations in the coming months: the would-be marathoner; the mother-of-three moving home and struggling with serious, ongoing Sarcoidosis.