Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Coming Home

We've arrived! We raced against the sun today, desperate to get to our new home at least before sunset so Scootch and MaeMae, who only know it from photos, could see it. We made it just as the sun was kissing the earth a final goodnight. We can't take possession of our home yet as it technically won't be ours until Thursday, (fingers crossed that all will fall in to place as it should of course!) A hotel room nearby will be our home for the next few days and nights.

I'm tired, really tired and not in much of a mood for musing right now. Tomorrow I'd like to be able to take a little quiet time and just walk a bit. It feels strange to be here, exciting, full of possibility but definitely strange and for the first time in this week of travelling I feel far, far away from that which I once called "home"...

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