Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 2

Yesterday should have been a 5km run, but time and place were against me. I managed one circuit of our local Slí na Sláinte (a mere 3.38km), noted my very stiff achilles and ankle and resolved it was time to invest in a new pair of shoes. I did the 'gait test' for the first time to discover that I am 'nearly neutral' ... which makes me feel good, almost as if I had passed an exam or something. It's all to do with the ankles, and hard to believe when you see the swing of my left leg ... apparently, you can't get runners to correct wobbly knees! I bought a pair of ASICS KAYANO less €35 in the sale - yay! Today is a rest day, so they will get their very first outing tomorrow ... yay again! By the way, they've got pink trimming. Very girlie!


  1. I love Asics! but I am a Nimbus woman, myself. Mine are also pink which irritates me, but they are now pleasingly mud-splattered. I am also resting today (well, other than the 25k round bike trip to work). I also have slightly creaky achilles (right leg) and sore lower calf muscles - possibly related to the jump in mileage from about 60k in December (woeful, woeful) to 167 in Jan...and yes, I am proud of myself.

  2. Niamh, you inspire me to increase my endurance beyond the daily 2-lap run around MC Circle! Knowing how you were able to run the "Wheel of Fortune" loop in November with such ease, you will definitely have no problem here! And your support for the Sarcoid cause, while giving lift and support to Etty, will surely inspire and inform many others. While you run in ASICS, she and I run with you in SPIRIT!
