Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Change of Scene

Dare I write it again ... another bright and beautiful morning, perfect weather for a run! For those of you not familiar with this island, our current spell of weather is quite remarkable. We have learned, I think, to expect damp and grey and mild, not this dry, cool, sunshine. It's great.
For a change of scene, I headed towards the sea today. The addition of extra miles in the early part of the week brings the advantage of adventure and exploration around the Suburbs.  I know, I know, it's not exactly crossing America, but it's as good as it gets for me just now! (I wonder how they are doing?)
So, at quarter past eight in the morning, I found myself on Mount Merrion Avenue which brought me down to Blackrock Road where I ran parallel to the sea. This is a little dangerous. I had the tendency to gaze out to my right, forgetting to watch for obstacles. Fortunately, I managed to dodge the one near collision just in time; I had been distracted by the sight of a large passenger Ferry heading out to sea. I came back up by Booterstown Avenue and landed at the campus gates at the 8km mark which meant a detour to the South of the campus in order get in another mile (1.6km) to reach the car, my gear and a shower. 
That reminds me. I have been giving out erroneous information about my times on this blog. I have been writing 6km/h which is considerably slower than the 6 -7mins per km I should be writting. I realised that mistake when, yesterday, I entered for the Cork City Marathon where they ask you to predict your times. I'm committed now! I put a link to the marathon at the bottom of the blog.


  1. Brave move. Well done. Proud of you.

  2. yes, a 6km/h pace is a 10 minute kilometre! aka a 7 hour marathon...
