Monday, June 6, 2011

This is the Day

The long awaited day is finally here and although still in Massachusetts, my heart is in Ireland... A variety of circumstances did not make it possible for me to be there to cheer Niamh on, not least the fact that Hubby is in Maine all week, (who would take care of the kiddos?) but my thoughts have been with her constantly.

We spoke on Thursday, Niamh and I, a nice, long, leisurely, sisterly chat about all sorts of things. Her calm and poise impressed me. Tonight I have to resist the urge to send her an encouraging text, afraid that I might wake her (given that she is five hours ahead of me) and ruin her pre-race sleep. We both know what it is like to have such a thing happen and lose out on a whole night's sleep! This is not the night for such shenanigans...

So, goodnight sister. Sleep well, dream beautiful dreams of hope and promise, rest deeply and may the morning bring you sunshine, a light breeze on your back to cool you, many well-wishers to cheer you, strength and energy and joy to carry you on your journey. Remember, whatever happens today, you will forever be an inspiration.

The hardest part is over, we spoke about this last week, the days of having to drag yourself up and out in all kinds of weather are gone. This day is yours and we are all here whether in person or in spirit, willing you to the finish line. Run swift, run free, breathe, breathe deep, breathe for all of us.....

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