Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just ordinary

I'm keeping it simple today. I ran six miles at my average pace of about 6:20k/h. It was a mild day, I remembered to take regular sips of water and am resolved to drink more water throughout the day.  I enjoyed being out, though the run was a slight effort. It was ordinary ... not as much of a struggle as yesterday and not such a joy as Friday.


  1. That's when you are to be admired - to face the effort when you are not enthusiastic. Well done.

  2. ordinary is what your race performance will rest on - I'm trying to deliberately run no faster than a 6:30 pace this week. My ankle is creaky and I need it to get stronger, not for it to collapse on me! I must have a look at my running book, although I find that programmes/schedules always need tweaking: so I will probably put in some speed/tempo runs in the 6-7 weeks prior to the first half marathon. I might stick more closely to a schedule once I've made my way through that successfully. Hydration, hydration, hydration: I'm not good at this at the moment, but found it made a big difference when I was training for Achill. At least 3, preferably 4, of those 500ml bottles a day.
