Saturday, April 9, 2011

17 miles plus

I did a long run today in the Phoenix Park. I may have touched 'the Wall'. We now think it was closer to twenty miles than seventeen. I was running for 3 hours. When I stopped, there were a few small tears against a tree before I could speak.  My post-run legs are at their most tired since I started this campaign.  There were also some glorious miles at the 8-12 stage. The rest was surprsingly comfortable until the sudden change in the last mile/mile and a half. What a great day!


  1. Well done, Niamh. Very proud of you.

  2. good on you; it was probably fairly hot out there too. Running thread I was on there was someone doing the Brighton and Hove marathon today - 25+ c. Nightmare...

    I am not ashamed to admit that I nearly burst into tears at the end of the Achill half. What's that about?
