Friday, April 1, 2011

This is a hurried entry, written in my iPhone. I could not do my 4 mile run yesterday because of an early meeting and some preparation required. I headed out at lunch time today, running along the canals as slowly as possible. It really is a case of squeezing it in between other tasks. And tomorrow is long-run day so energies must be conserved. It is mild, clammy at times and so the breeze was most welcome; most refreshing. My allergy is really acting up. I am sneezing and tickly and my windpipe is a bit, teeny bit, sore when I run. I have just bought a nasal spray thing, hopefully this will work. Otherwise, it needs to rain or I will have to take an anti-histamine which won't suit me.
Tomorrow I only do 11 miles. A thing of nothing! I'm glad though. My legs have not yet forgotten last Sunday.

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