Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Just a quick note of the tremendous achievement of today. In the midst of the ongoing chaos I need to pause and celebrate!

I have an appointment this week with an Internist who will be my primary care doctor and the following week with a pulmonologist who will be my specialty doctor and my link to cardiology, rheumatology, dermatology, neurology and any other "ologies" that want to poke at me.

My task tomorrow....make copies of my medical records, several inches thick, and imaging to mail to above pulmonologist for review before the first appointment which I am told will be for 1 hour. My goodness, a whole hour, but no need to worry, we will have plenty to talk about!

I wrote to a friend today that I feel like I am in constant crisis mode these days. Being finally reconnected to healthcare helps tremendously to help me return to that grounding that I have been craving.


  1. That is great news Etty. At least, now, someone to look after you. Imagine getting an hour of a consultant's time. Fantastic. Good work, well done!

  2. Best of luck meeting your new team this week and beyond - how lucky they are to be meeting such a great patient. x
